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Guiraud Voyages
Guiraud Voyages
Guiraud Voyages

Guiraud Voyages

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picto accueilAutocars Guiraud

A family affair since 1951

montage affaire de famillemontage affaire de famille couleurs

Since 1951, AUTOCARS Guiraud, a family business within which 3 generations have succeeded one another, has been able to evolve to guarantee the success of your coach trips.

Based in Lourdes and Beaucens, in the Hautes-Pyrénées, GUIRAUD travel offers you trips or stays in France and abroad by coach for individuals, groups, works councils, seminars, conferences, sports clubs and senior citizens’ clubs, pilgrimages to Lourdes, Coaches for Persons with reduced mobility, bike trailers, chauffeur-driven passenger vehicles...

Our company has shown how committed it is to respecting the environment by signing the "OBJECTIF C02" charter of the ADEME and its plan of action aimed at reducing vehicle consumption and favouring the purchase of clean new generation vehicles.

Devoted to the health and safety of our passengers, we’ve also been certified since 2018 according to the MASE system of reference (Health, Safety, Environment management system).

Our drivers are regularly trained and made aware of the situation

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The services offered

> Tours & trips

> Travel agency

> Day excursions

Pilgrimages to Lourdes and travel/transfers by Coaches for Persons with reduced mobility

Travel & transfers of groups, Associations, Works councils, Clubs & sports teams

Cyclist transport (Bike trailers)

8-seater chauffeur-driven passenger vehicle

Transport of goods


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Galerie Accueil 01
Galerie Accueil 02
Galerie Accueil 03
Galerie Accueil 04
Galerie Accueil 05
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Galerie Accueil 07
Galerie Accueil 08

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Siège social
14, route d'Argelès
65400 Beaucens

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5, rue Ampère
65100 Lourdes

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+33(0)5 62 90 33 55